Monday, June 8, 2015


                                  Week # 4 Blog 
                            Strengths and conflicts

Builder: One of my close co-workers would be consider my builder. She motivates me to do better. Gives me great advice. 
Collaborator:My trainer would be consider my collaborator. We share the same interest in certain things regarding the field we are in. 
Connector: My parents are my connector, they help me learn and grow.
Campanion: My Companion is my husband, he's always there for me. Takes pride in what I do. 
Energizer:My energizer would be my kids! They give me the energy to move forward, they pick me when I'm over whelmed. They are someone I can rely on for positive energy.
Mind Opener: I can honestly say I know someone who is a mind opener. He's one of my supervisors.  He's always there to encourage me, always helping me see things from a different point of view. Helps embrace a gift or a talent that I have. 
Navigator: My navigator would have to be my parents. They are the ones who deliver good advice and make sure I'm heading towards the right direction ands making the right decisions in life.

Which Strength do you have a difficult time with or a conflict with? The Strengths I have an issue with understanding with of my own is; EMPATHY , and CONTEXT.
I have a problem empathy because I always find myself imaging myself in other peoples shoes. When in reality I need to take a step back and concentrate on my own life.
Another strength I have  a problem in is Context, I tend to look in the past and view it as a "what if situation" instead of concentrating on being successful in future and seeing what it holds for me.

Monday, May 25, 2015

                        Journal Entry #7 

Write a sentence expressing a recent problem or event that upset you. Think of something troubling that happen ins school, at work, or in your personal life.  For example, I got a 62 on my math test. 

I forgot to clock in and out of work the other day, so I basically worked a day for free.

Write a list of three or more criticism your Inner Critic (IC)  might level against you as a result of this situation. Have your inner Guide (IG) dispute each one immediately. Review the four methods of disputing describe on page 52. You only need to use one of them for each criticism. For example, 

(IC): You failed that math test because you're terrible in math. 
(IG): It's true I failed the math test, but I'll study harder next time and do better. This was only the first test, and I now know what to expect next time. 

(IC): I do a horrible job cooking certain foods
(IG): This is true, I will try new things to learn more and recipes.

(IC): I gained more 6 more pounds, after working out and toning for 1 year. I happen to go straight to waste.
(IG): I keep up my morning work outs, keep the same routine, and adjust the eating habit.

(IC): I forgot to clock in and out of work one, therefor I worked for free.
(IG): I failed to clock in and out, however I will not be in so much of a hurry next time.

Write a list of three or more criticisms your Inner Defender (ID) might level against someone else or life as a result of this situation. Have your Inner Guide (IG) dispute each one immediately. Again use one of the four methods for disputing. For example:
ID: You failed that math test because you've got the worst math instructor on campus.
IG: I have trouble understanding my math instructor, so I'm going to make an appointment to talk with him in private. John really liked him last semester, so I bet I'll like him too, if I give him a chance. 

(IC): I gained and lost my tone because I work a graveyard schedule.
(IG):Before I started working graveyard I was in shape, but because I work  late my eating habits and sleep schedule is all over the place. I know if I make the time I can work work on loosing every inch weight I gained if I just put my full effort to it.

(IC): The new clock in system didn't reconsigned my finger.
(IG): If i really caught it in time I probably wouldn't have missed a punch in/out 

(IC): Cooking is not a hard thing
(IG): If i just took the time to learn it would be fun and easy, cooking comes natural to most ladies in my family.

Write what you have learned or relearned about changing your inner conversation. Your journal entry might begin, "In reading and writing about my inner conversations, I have discovered that..." Wherever possible, offer personal experiences or examples to explain what you learned.

Changing your inner conversation isn't a easy thing nor is it a hard thing to do either. Its all about training your brain and getting into a routine of it.  I have made myself accustom to the one I am in now, which most people have the same problem with doing so. I've discovered that I keep making up excuses for myself that is why I am not showing any progression in most things i do in life. Its time to change and create a new routine and take step forward in life. I do believe there will be some progression happening.

Monday, May 18, 2015

On Course; Journal Entry 1

1. Write the eight areas of the self-assessment and record your scores for each, as follows:

75        Accept Self- Responsibility 
75        Discover Self Motivation 
59        Master Self Management 
48        Employ Interdependence
70        Gain Self-Awareness
70        Adopt Lifelong Learning 
75        Developing Emotional Intelligence
65        Believe In Themselves

2. Write about the areas on the self-assessment in which you had your highest scores.
 The areas I scored the highest in my assessment are: Accept Self Responsibility, Discover Self Motivation, and Developing Emotional Intelligence. I believe this areas I scored high are pretty accurate. I do accept self-responisbilty, everything I do depends on me whether I'm successful in things or not. I take full responsibility for my acts . In my opinion, success is the key to everything. Theres no room in life to put the blame on others, it will not improve my life or the person I am. I like to see myself achieve my goals by doing so I have learned to gain self-motivation. I am determine to see myself grow and be successful at things I do. If I show I am lacking in an area I would put my best effort and show interest into it. Knowing the out come will be great is rewarding. I have learned that developing emotional intelligence is another strong area. I do not dwell on things, i learned to just accept it and move on. This can help you focus on things and get you far in life. It is the key to personal and professional success. 

3. Write about the areas on the self-assessment in which you had your lowest scores.
The areas I scored low in on my assessment test are: Employ Interdependence, Believe In Themselves, and Master Self Management. Personally, I am bad at employing interdependence, I would much rather figure something out on my own then ask other people for help. However, I am good and I enjoy helping others attain their goals, I just find it very difficult for myself to ask others for help. I struggle with self management and to believe in myself. The choices and behaviors I make for myself by not asking for assistance or making a schedule, or being well organized will only effect my potential in doing well. Doing this assessment test really made me think and learn about the areas I lack in and which ones are my strongest. Never really realized what needed to be done to be more successful, asking for help is always good. I will learn and grow even more.