Monday, June 8, 2015


                                  Week # 4 Blog 
                            Strengths and conflicts

Builder: One of my close co-workers would be consider my builder. She motivates me to do better. Gives me great advice. 
Collaborator:My trainer would be consider my collaborator. We share the same interest in certain things regarding the field we are in. 
Connector: My parents are my connector, they help me learn and grow.
Campanion: My Companion is my husband, he's always there for me. Takes pride in what I do. 
Energizer:My energizer would be my kids! They give me the energy to move forward, they pick me when I'm over whelmed. They are someone I can rely on for positive energy.
Mind Opener: I can honestly say I know someone who is a mind opener. He's one of my supervisors.  He's always there to encourage me, always helping me see things from a different point of view. Helps embrace a gift or a talent that I have. 
Navigator: My navigator would have to be my parents. They are the ones who deliver good advice and make sure I'm heading towards the right direction ands making the right decisions in life.

Which Strength do you have a difficult time with or a conflict with? The Strengths I have an issue with understanding with of my own is; EMPATHY , and CONTEXT.
I have a problem empathy because I always find myself imaging myself in other peoples shoes. When in reality I need to take a step back and concentrate on my own life.
Another strength I have  a problem in is Context, I tend to look in the past and view it as a "what if situation" instead of concentrating on being successful in future and seeing what it holds for me.

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